11 Apr 2014

Script to embed YouTube videos with reduced page load

Whenever we embed YouTube video with standard IFRAME tag, our page load increases by around 400 kB for each embedded video thus increasing page load time significantly.
Today I will show you a different approach to embed YouTube videos to reduce page load time.In this approach initially we will load a thumbnail and will load video only when user clicks on this thumbnail.
For this purpose I will introduce you with a short Jquery code which will make embedding YouTube video very easy.
I hope that you have already included latest version of Jquery in your website.If not then please add it.

1. Add this css to your website's <head></head> section.
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://sites.google.com/site/curiohub/youtube/youtube.css" type="text/css" />
2. Add This JavaScript just before </body> tag.
<script src="https://sites.google.com/site/curiohub/youtube/youtube.js" ></script>
Now to embed YouTube video create a <div> and provide class and vid [YouTube video id.] attributes. as follows,
<!-- if YouTube url is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG9CE55wbtY then vid="iG9CE55wbtY" -->

<div class="yvid" vid="iG9CE55wbtY"></div>  <!--Default video size 640x360-->

<!-- For defining custom dimensions for video, add dimensions to the div.-->

<div class="yvid" vid="bsF_AaPXK-s" style="width:400px;height: 200px;"></div>

it's done!
Comparison for page size and load time.
video embedded without above script.

video embedded with above script

See time and page load reduced by more then 50% !!!
For live demo and source code. Visit this link
Demo video and Tutorial for Blogger.
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