9 Apr 2014

Free Web Hosting on Google Drive - Tutorial

If you are looking for hosting a website for developing/experimenting purpose 'or' want to have a website for small time like an invitation website.Then Google drive is the Best option for you, Serving on secure HTTP and 100% uptime.
You can publish any kind of static website with content like, HTML,CSS,Javascript,Images,Icons,Audio and Video.

How to host Website on Google Drive

Things you need before hosting on Google Drive.
  • Free Google Account
  • Code for you Website
Now put your all web pages in one folder and name it,[e.g. site] After that open Google drive and upload folder.

After upload, Check mark the box in front of uploaded folder and click share button.

Change sharing settings, from 'private' to 'public on the web'.

Click 'save' and 'done'.
Open just shared folder and right click on index.html file and select 'open with' -> 'Google Drive Viewer'.

In Google Drive Viewer click on 'Preview'.A new window will open with your site's home page.

That's it !
Copy the url from new window opened, it is your website's address.
Note: Url produced here are very long and complicated, so use any url shortening service like goo.gl  to shorten url's.
To visit sample site uploaded by me on Google Drive, click this link, http://goo.gl/1bcx5K.
Video assitance.
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