This is a Jquery script which places elements in optimal position based on available vertical and horizontal space.It arranges items in vertical column and width of vertical column is taken as width of first 'item' element.
If you have elements with 'float:left' property and if they are of different heights then arrangement looks like as following image.
But if you use this script then result looks like as follows. [ Elements are arranged in optimal position in vertical space.]
To view live demo, click here. (Change window size to view horizontal arrangement.)
This script is inspired by already available jquery plugin, Jquery Masonry.
How to arrange elements in vertical space?
First create an parent element and assign a class="container" and assign class="item" to the child elements which will be arranged in vertical space.<!-- HTML --> <div class="container"> <div class="item">1.</div> <div class="item wv">2.</div> <div class="item w">3.</div> <div class="item wv">4.</div> <div class="item wv">5.</div> <div class="item">6.</div> <div class="item w">7.</div> </div>Now provide some CSS for above elements.
/* --- CSS --- */ .item { display:block; width:80px; margin:5px; background:grey; min-height:30px; float:left; position:relative; border:1px solid green; } /* classes for variation in height*/ .w { min-height:40px; } .wv { min-height:50px; }And here comes over final Jquery Script.Note: this script arranges items in vertical column and width of vertical column is taken as width of first 'item' element, change accordingly if you want.
<!-- JavaScript --> $(function () { $('.item').css('position', 'absolute'); rearrange(); $(window).resize(function () { rearrange(); }); function rearrange() { var ti = $('.item').length; //total number of items var cw = $('.item').first().outerWidth(true); //column width var mr = parseInt($('.item').first().css("marginLeft"), 10); //margin left var mt = parseInt($('.item').first().css("marginTop"), 10); //margin top var contw = $('.container').width(); //container width if (contw < cw) { return; // if column width is greater then available space. } var pl = Math.floor(contw / cw); // no. of items per line for (i = 1; i <= ti; i++) { var upElement = (i - pl); var left = (i % pl); var leftv = 0; if (left == 0) { leftv = ((pl - 1) * cw) + mr; } else { leftv = ((left - 1) * cw) + mr; } if (upElement > 0) { var upELem = $('.item:nth-child(' + upElement + ')'); var upTop = upELem.position().top; var upH = upELem.outerHeight(true); $('.item:nth-child(' + i + ')').css({ top: (upTop + upH), left: leftv }); } else { $('.item:nth-child(' + i + ')').css({ top: mt, left: leftv }); } } } })();
To view live demo, click here. (Change window size to view horizontal arrangement.)
This script is inspired by already available jquery plugin, Jquery Masonry.
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