23 Jan 2016

How to create App video demo with zero budget ?

Have you developed an app and looking to create a video demo for it? then you must have come across many online service providers like, placeit.net, which provides a decent app demo.

But the problem with them is that their free version is not so great in video quality [plus watermark in background] and charge for premium version is quite high for a newcomer and a person like me, who don't have that much money.

how to create video demo with no money?

Well, I have a Jugaad for that, you just need Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer.

How to Do it?

01. Create a good looking slide background, give it a Tabletop  texture with some added features, like, coffee cup,pen.diary etc.

02.Create an outer frame of a smart phone and import it into the powerpoint slide.

03. Record you app Screen with whatever feature you want to show in the demo.[What I used is, AZ screen Recoreder]

04. Import captured video into powerpoint slide and Crop the unnecessary area.And try to fit the video inside Phone frame.[send it to backward]

05. Set animations to the instructions and set video play settings to automatic start.

06. Start SlideShow and record screen, with any other application or in-built screen recored in power point.

That's it, Although it may not look like a professional but serves the purpose until you get the money for a professional video demo.
Below is the video demo, I created for my app. and here is the ppt.

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