Habit is a process by which behaviour becomes automatic. The brain does not take part in decision-making while performing a particular habitual Task, like eating.
The time period for forming a new habit varies person to person, it may take days to months.
This process of habit formation in our brain is a three-step loop. First one is the Cue, which tells our brain to go into automatic mode and use routine associated with that particular cue. Second is the Routine which can be physical or mental or emotional. The final step is the Reward which helps our brain to figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future.
This process for a particular behaviour is saved inside our brain; it just needs a cue to trigger the process. Focus of brain shifts to reward rather than on process, that’s why we don’t need to think while performing the routine.
For example, a soon as we see a man crossing a road (cue) our foot automatically pushes the break (saved routine for this cue) to stop (result) the car.
The time period for forming a new habit varies person to person, it may take days to months.
This process of habit formation in our brain is a three-step loop. First one is the Cue, which tells our brain to go into automatic mode and use routine associated with that particular cue. Second is the Routine which can be physical or mental or emotional. The final step is the Reward which helps our brain to figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future.
For example, a soon as we see a man crossing a road (cue) our foot automatically pushes the break (saved routine for this cue) to stop (result) the car.
How to form a New Habit?
Suppose you have a fat belly and want to develop a habit of daily exercise, then to form the habit, you have to break the process in, cue (which will help in triggering the habit), routine (the automatic behaviour which will be saved in brain) and reward (On which brain's focus will be while performing the behaviour) segments.
Keep cues as simple as possible, for example, keep your running shoes nearby your bed in the night so as soon as brain sees the shoe, it triggers the routine to go outside for a run. Keep rewards worth remembering for the brain, like have a cup of coffee or a beautiful conversation with a neighbour while returning.
Keep cues as simple as possible, for example, keep your running shoes nearby your bed in the night so as soon as brain sees the shoe, it triggers the routine to go outside for a run. Keep rewards worth remembering for the brain, like have a cup of coffee or a beautiful conversation with a neighbour while returning.
So as soon as your brain remembers this loop, the moment you will put shoes on, brain's focus will shift from hard the part[going outside for running] to the smooth ‘reward’ part [getting a coffee while retuning].
For Learning How to change a bad Habit Please go through next Post.
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